Welcome to our interest group website. We are a diverse group of individuals who meet monthly in Luton and share a keen interest in the writings of “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier and his on-going contacts with an extra-terrestrial race, known as the Plejaren. The group is open to anyone who has an interest in the Billy Meier UFO case and information disseminated by FIGU in Switzerland. As a group, we strive to learn from each other, study together for our individual and collective development and promote the FIGU mission in England.

Urgent Appeal!
The Plejaren Committee, which is responsible for FIGU and especially the Core-Group of 49 at the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, has addressed in detail the foreseeable and farther future and has concluded that it is of the utmost importance, that all FIGU members – those within Landesgruppen, Studiengruppen and Interessengruppen, or outside – shall be active both on the internet and other media. The focus shall mainly be on peace, overpopulation and the Creation-energy Teaching in general. It has been proposed to not just focus on spreading the respective stickers that you receive as a PDF together with this appeal, but that you also write articles and posts in social media, newspapers, journals, etc., or by placing flyers, etc. into letterboxes, etc. The intention is to at least somewhat alleviate the coming threatening events by sharing FIGU material as often and as widely as possible.

Important Necessary Explanations
The ”Values of Ethics and Morals” written by ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier.
The following interest-theoretical explanation should make it easier for the human being to understand why he or she should form and lead his or her life and existence ethically-morally. Ethics and morals are both undoubtedly related and often equated, but there is a decisive difference, because the respective norms and values of morals are considered to be a sole group, whereas ethics rather describes what is right or wrong, which can be explained by a different and scientific description as a general discussion of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. Nevertheless, ethics and morals will be explained in context below.
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