Important Message! Proclamation of the Plejaren Committee.

Latest Research Results on Corona Vaccinations

Billy … You said that you had something very important to report and that it was not only a concern for us in the KG, but also for the FIGU passive members and even for the whole of humanity.

Excerpt from the 798th contact of Saturday, 2nd of April 2022 – Click here to read more.

False Information Regarding Corona

Billy … Someone asked me whether melatonin could be used as a prophylaxis or as a treatment for the rampantly spreading corona disease, which I of course negated according to what I know. But can you, as a medical doctor, explain what this is actually suitable for and what it is good for?

Excerpt from the 793rd contact of Wednesday, 16th of February 2022 – Click here to read more.

Behaviour with Regard to Corona

Zafenatpaneach Then, if you do not mind, my friend, I would like to ask you how you at the FIGU are behaving at present in the face of the rampantly spreading disease that is spreading more and more on Earth? At the moment, nothing is being announced to us because Ptaah is away for a lengthy period of time and no information is being spread by him to us. But we are wondering about how you are behaving with regard to everything, because we know that the rampantly spreading disease is spreading rapidly all over the planet.

Excerpt from the 790th contact of Tuesday, 4th of January 2022 – Click here to read more.

Useful Masks Against Corona

Billy … with regard to the rampantly spreading corona disease, I would like to point out that the earthlings mostly wear only everyday mouth-nose masks, which, however, do not fulfil the purpose that is necessary to guarantee protection. Because unsuitable masks are worn against viral infection and other aggressive pathogens – as Ptaah explained – a large number of infections result, such as from the corona virus. He explained – in addition to a special leaflet from the German ‘Institute IFA’ – the following:

Excerpt from the 789th contact from Tuesday, 28th of December, 2021 – Click here to read more.

About the Spread of the New Corona Variant

Billy Let’s leave that, because we have other things to talk about. Contra to the fact that you were upset – which has obviously subsided because you haven’t said anything since then – I assume that with you everything is fine and subsided again, so that one can talk to you about the Corona topic again. Thus it happens, for example, that as a result of the rampantly spreading corona disease, governments in various countries are now ‘wondering’ regarding a compulsory vaccination that would be decreed by the government for all inhabitants of the country. This, however, contradicts the inviolability of the body; however, certain rulers do not care about it, because in their unintellect they do not know what to do – as usual. What is your opinion on this?

Excerpt from the 788th contact from Tuesday, 14th December 2021 – Click here to read more.