Low Intelligentum with Regard to Corona

Ptaah … I am concerned about the well-being of the human beings of Earth and, moreover, I cannot logically follow such low intelligentum on the part of national leaders who act so inconsiderately that through their fault the female and male charges of the nation suffer harm to their health or lose their lives. It is incomprehensible to me that the peoples are of such low intelligentum – thus are non-thinking – that they are of even lower intelligentum than the national leaders, all of whom fly different flags.

Excerpt from the 787th contact of Sunday, 28th of November 2021 – Click here to read more.

What the Value of the Present Vaccines is

Bermunda … It was unavoidable, but I was really indispensable. This is because, as an expert, I had to engage in depth in the research on the exact effects of the untried and dangerous, sometimes even life-endangering vaccines around the corona virus and the occurrences surrounding them, which really do bring forth unpleasant results on the whole. All this is much more extensive than it generally seems to be, for it actually comprises much more than just that which is being incompletely and fraudulently ‘explained’ to earthly humanity.

Excerpt from the 785th contact of Tuesday, 16th of November 2021 – Click here to read more.

Restrictions Against the Unvaccinated

Billy At least, this is not part of the human being’s thinking – if anything is thought about at all and if everything is not simply passed off superficially, which is actually common practice for the so-called everyday Earthling. This brings me straight to that which actually moves the world, namely the rampantly spreading corona disease. Within your circle, you have obviously talked about what will happen with regard to what is now being practised by Austria towards the unvaccinated, that those in government have imposed a lockdown on their people, which I personally find an unparalleled disgrace.

Excerpt from the 784th contact of Tuesday, 16th of November 2021 – Click here to read more.

Behavioural Recommendations from Ptaah

Billy … By the way, what do you say to the fact that the rampantly spreading corona disease is striking again everywhere, practically in all countries? Yesterday, in Germany alone, there were over 37,000 new infections and about 170 deaths within 24 hours.

Excerpt from the 782nd contact of Friday, 5th of November 2021 – Click here to read more.

New, Still Undiscovered Corona Mutant in England

Billy … The governors themselves act completely confused and do not know what to do in this and that situation, also not regarding the rampantly spreading corona disease, which claims more lives than they really know. Also that the false digital vaccination passports and other proofs of vaccination are already in circulation in the millions, of which only some hundreds or thousands are recognised as fakes, is only a drop on the so-called ‘hot stone’, which already exists in this relation and lets the ‘experts’ live in euphoria and hope that their ‘G’-nonsense (In some German speaking countries, there are G-rules: ‘2G’ means that a person has to be ‘Geimpft’ (= vaccinated) or ‘Genesen’ (= recovered from Covid), ‘3G’ means a person has to be ‘Geimpft’, ‘Genesen’ or ‘Getestet’ (= negative Covid test) for admittance into restaurants or other venues.) is effective. The fact that the true situation is the exact opposite to that which the rulers and ‘experts’ intend with their people-dumbing down and people-terrorising dictatorial measures, does not trigger correct and healthy thoughts in the peoples, nor a clear and firm willingness to do the right thing, rather only unwillingness, hatred and trouble-making. They act and determine just as wrongly as they did at the beginning of the rampantly spreading corona disease, consequently the epidemic at that time was able to get badly out of control and turn into a pandemic and claimed millions of dead, which will still go on. In fact, it is not yet recognised that a new mutation of the rampantly spreading disease is already striking again – especially in England – which will claim its victims and continue to spread throughout the world.

Excerpt from the 780th contact of Saturday, 9th of October, 2021 – Click here to read more.

Split of the Community due to the Corona Immunisation Delusion

Ptaah Greetings, dear friend, Eduard. Today I come here because I want to talk to you about certain things that are wrong with the way the Swiss leader, Federal Councillor Alain Berset, is breaking his word and acting contrary to what he promised the Swiss people. You as a citizen of this state should speak openly about what is not right. It i…

777th Contact from Saturday, 11th of September 2021 – Click here to find out.

Consequences of the Corona Vaccination Insanity

Billy … Here, as a continuation from this morning, I have two clippings from the ‘Tages-Anzeiger’ for you. They just cannot leave it alone, because they have to mention FIGU and me all the time in their newspaper, without that it just does not work. …

Excerpt from the 775th contact of Thursday, 26th of August 2021 – Click here to read more.