Internet Publications on Corona Vaccinations

Billy Just this: Achim has beamed me several articles. May I at least partially attach them to the conversation report? They would be of value, for they are about the dark machinations of the corona vaccinations.

Excerpt from the 774th contact of Thursday, 26th of August 2021 – Click here to find out.

Additional Information on Corona Vaccinations

Billy … these probably speak for themselves about what is being withheld from the public with regard to the vaccination against the rampantly spreading corona disease. Vaccines, the substance of which is only being secretly tested on the world population, which has no knowledge of the fact that the stuff is only being tested and is only in a new testing phase and is therefore worthless or partially worthless. First, many people fall victim to this time and again, and second, vaccinated people suffer from long-term damage to their health, which can last a lifetime. And third, there are impulse depositions that can again and again lead to illnesses and to reactions that are harmful to health and also life-threatening. And the fact that such impulse depositions occur in this rampantly spreading disease is completely unknown to earthly virologists and to the entire scientific community, because they have never had to deal with such effects in a virus. Then the fourth point to be mentioned is that vaccinations, that is to say their substances, are useless against it, because despite the vaccination the persons remain infectious and can therefore infect the next person. Then in the fifth place it must be mentioned that the antibodies resulting from the vaccination dissipate already after 3 to 4 months – at the latest, however, after 8 to 10 months – consequently a subsequent vaccination, and then again and all over again and again a vaccination is necessary, as already explained by Sfath in 1947. He explained at the time – and this was also confirmed by Ptaah – that this rampantly spreading disease, which was artificially created in China – namely in the mid-1970s through the efforts of a hateful American – had the characteristic of settling impulses within the human organism which, on the one hand, were capable of ensuring that the rampantly spreading disease remained contagious despite vaccination and could therefore continue to spread, at least for a certain period of time. This was already explained by Sfath, which Ptaah also confirmed.

Excerpts from the 772nd contact of Friday, 30th July 2021 – Click here to find out.

Group Bulletin July 2021

NEW ! – Click here to find out.

Warning Against Relaxations and the Corona Vaccinations

Florena You are right, dear father friend. We can still talk about all the private things later. Besides, Bermunda and I would like to go out with you later. But first I have to tell you what Ptaah explained, which I will list in points below.

Excerpt from the 771st contact from Sunday, the 18th of June 2021 – Click here to find out.

Further Information on Corona Vaccinations

Bermunda I will talk later about that, if you really still want to do it then, because first Florena should tell you the explanations sent to you by Ptaah regarding the rampantly spreading corona disease, which he mentioned as significant for information.

Excerpt from the 770th Contact from Wednesday, 5th of May, 2021 – Click here to find out.

What there is to explain about Corona Vaccinations

Billy … but now we should discuss something regarding the rampantly spreading corona disease, and it is because of that which we have talked about together with regard to the vaccination against the rampantly spreading corona disease. However, about this you have said that the whole thing must not be mentioned with regard to sneaky machinations of certain vaccine manufacturers, which is clear and which Sfath, your father, had already said, about which I think there should at least be another word said once more, such as the prolonged suffering, the incidence of lethal blood clots in blood vessels of the brain, and so on, and in which case you particularly mentioned … in this regard. We should also talk about … one more time. Also about … and the late effects and the fatalities as well as the blood clots that occur due to certain vaccines, such as vaccinations with the agents …, … and … There is also more to say about the fact that new infections nevertheless occur after certain vaccinations …

Excerpt from the 767th contact of Saturday, 27th of February 2021 – Click here to find out.